Jenison Man Selected as Winner of “Family Caregiver of the Year” Award
Steve Langerak awarded Local Prize and $500
Grand Rapids, MI September 8, 2010— The winner of the 2010 “Family CareGiver of the Year” for West Michigan was announced by the Homewatch CareGivers office in Grand Rapids today. Steve Langerak of Jenison was chosen for his unselfish dedication to his wife and for “being her legs, arms, and voice.” Steve will receive the $500 local prize and will be among the finalists for the title of National Family Caregiver of the Year and a $5000 prize.
Homewatch CareGivers commissioned the award because it became crystal-clear that the family caregiver is usually under-appreciated and in need of moral support. “Everyday”, said Jeff Swain, President of Homewatch CareGivers of West Michigan, “our team sees first-hand the devoted love and kindness family caregivers provide to their mothers, fathers, siblings, children, and spouses. Most of the stories are especially poignant. The selection panel chose Steve’s story because of his unbelievable sacrifice and dedication to his wife, an A.L.S. patient.”
Steve Langerak had been married for 40 years to his wife, Sally. When Sally was diagnosed with ALS, Steve chose to leave his job because he wanted to spend more time with his wife. Steve completely rearranged his life to ensure Sally received the love, care, and attention she needed, which quickly became round-the-clock care. Steve was adamant about having her stay in their home, despite the fast-progressing disease that left her unable to do anything on her own. In addition to tube-feeding her, he took care of every one of her personal needs, including dressing, toileting, and grooming; he worked tirelessly to keep her spotless. Handling all the household duties, navigating the health care world, and overcoming obstacles to obtain resources and equipment could have been a full-time job by itself.
Tragically, Sally passed away in August of this year. Carole Black, Steve’s mother-in-law, said that Steve “never complained and never asked for help. He was her legs, arms, and voice. If it wasn’t for Steve, I know that Sally would not have lived as long as she did. ”
Steve takes his tremendous sacrifices in stride. He said that he did things for her that he should have done 40 years ago. “You shouldn’t wait until a disease like this comes along to take care of someone you love.”
Denise George, patient services co-coordinator at the A.L.S. Association of Michigan, nominated Steve. A select panel of local experts – including representatives from the Gerontology Network, Senior Neighbors, and The Alzheimer’s Association – was assembled to vote on the award.
The National Family Caregiver of the Year will be announced in October, by Homewatch International in Denver. For more information on this program or Homewatch CareGivers, visit