This Saturday, Jeff Lester will join his fellow students in Dearborn as he graduates from the University of Michigan with his Masters in Business Administration and his Masters in Finance. While this may sound impressive on its own, Jeff’s story is made more incredible by that fact that when he began his studies in 2007, he was quadriplegic and on a ventilator and had already been fighting ALS, Lou Gehrig’s disease, for more than 10 years.
Due to his physical limitations, getting from his Missouri home to graduation here in Michigan has been a unique challenge. Jeff’s determination to get to graduation has been the subject of national attention. Jeff has been featured on USA Today and has a website dedicated to his effort, www.getjefflestertograduation.com. Jeff has also had a major presence on facebook.
Jeff’s journey has inspired many organizations, including some here in Michigan, to get involved. When The ALS, Association, Michigan Chapter heard of Jeff’s travel plans, we got busy arranging for the equipment that he needed to be taken to his hotel. Using items from the Chapter’s Durable Medical Equipment Loan Closet, a free service that allows ALS patients to use medical equipment at no cost, the Chapter’s Patient Services staff worked closely with the New Hudson branch of United Seating and Mobility, to prepare equipment and have it ready and waiting for Jeff. Michael Mills, one of our Chapter's most active volunteers, met Jeff Gonzalez from United Seating and Mobility this morning in New Hudson and dropped everything off at the hotel. A HUGE thanks to both Mike and Jeff (and the entire United Seating and Mobility team) for their hard work.
An organization truly dedicated to helping ALS patients, United Seating and Mobility plans to be on call all weekend should Jeff need anything. Joe Newhouse from Permobil, a major power wheelchair manufacturer, offered to provide their services as well. Also joining in the effort was ALS Guardian Angels, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping ALS patients and families live a full life. They initially contacted The Michigan Chapter for help.
Jeff’s journey to graduation is a remarkable example of the good that can be accomplished through collaboration. He hopes that his graduation will create awareness for Lou Gehrig’s disease, and it is well timed, with May being ALS Awareness Month. Jeff’s story is an inspiration to all involved, and his congratulations are certainly deserved.
Congraultions Jeff Lester from all of us here at The ALS Association, Michigan Chapter!